Interest Rates
Interest rates are all abuzz in real estate these days, but few truly understand how interest rates are derived, and how they affect your bottom line as a homeowner.
Stagflation VS Inflation
The terms “Stagflation” and “Inflation” are all abuzz these days. But what do they really mean? How do they affect main street consumers and those looking to buy or sell a home?
In Too Deep?
If you are worried about your ability to keep making mortgage payments as inflation continues to raise the cost of goods, interest rates remain higher than they were, and ongoing geopolitical tensions threaten supply chains and further raise the cost of goods, you should know there is hope.
Coming Crash?
Many have speculated that another market crash akin to the 2008 crash is upon us in 2023. Is this the case? What would a crash mean for home buyers and sellers?
Young People and First-Time Homebuyers
Many young people in their 20s feel like buying their first home is simply out of reach. “I don’t make enough money,” “Prices are too high,” and “I don’t have enough credit because I’m too young,” represent some of the most commonly employed reasons.
The Current Market for Buyers Spring/Summer 2021
We are here to help you navigate a stressful process and determine if now is the right time to jump into the housing market.
Local HOA’s
In a previous blog, we outlined some of the basics to help you make a more informed decision regarding Homeowners Associations (HOAs) and your next home purchase. Let’s explore some of the most prominent HOAs in Fredericksburg and surrounding communities more in depth.
Inflation and Your Home
We’ll explore what federal stimulus means for current homeowners, as well as those looking to buy a house.
Tax Season and Real Estate
Whether you are a homeowner or looking to buy a home, tax season can have a profound impact on your bottom line.
What is an HOA?
While more experienced homeowners may be familiar with these organizations, those newer to the market and first-time home buyers may lack the requisite knowledge to make an informed decision about buying into an HOA. If that’s you, we are here to help.
The Current Market for Sellers Spring/Summer 2021
It’s no secret that the current real estate market is hot- piping hot. Some have compared the current market to the pre-2008 bubble- that burst left many homeowners underwater on their mortgages and caused some to lose their homes.
PCS Season
While more experienced homeowners may be familiar with these organizations, those newer to the market and first-time home buyers may lack the requisite knowledge to make an informed decision about buying into an HOA. If that’s you, we are here to help.
Fredericksburg Highlights
Nestled in the sweet spot halfway between Washington, D.C. and Richmond, Fredericksburg is centrally located to beaches, mountains, and the big city, yet offers unique amenities of its own.
Spring Cleaning!
As Spring quickly approaches, it might be time to think about Spring cleaning for your living space.
Thinking About DIY?
The Covid-19 pandemic has certainly given many people more time for home improvements and DIY projects. If you are feeling late to the game, never fear! We’re here to help you plan (or postpone) your upcoming Spring project.